Thursday, March 31, 2005

Ramblings from the week

My heart was broken earlier .... now its shattered!!

It just got official. I have now been asked never to call, mail, sms, or try to get in touch by any means. Although I had expected this, but I didn't know it would be so tough actually... to think of all those wonderful moments......sighhhhhhhhhh....but its all past now.

Finally after all this time, I finally have my heart back. The difference being that its now shattered in to tiny pieces, & I intend to let it remain that way. Just like some poet said(guess it was robert frost, could be wordsworth for that matter):

The woods are dark and deep,
But I have promises to keep...
And miles to go before I sleep.

Some questions still remain.....& I know that one day I'll get the answers to all of them. One day.....

Came back from home on Monday. And was really amazed by a kid I met on the train. This guy was just in 2nd grade, and was sharper than any 5th grade kid. I haven't heard a kid introduce himself so perfectly. And boy, was he sharp. He was playing with some toys(atleast something normal), knew of words like teleportation(i never even heard of them till high school) and was interested in a gentleman's laptop more than his toys. Sharp kid....
And believe it or not, I forgot the dude's good name, though I can remember it begins with S.

And got lots of stuff, a new mobile (Nokia 3220), and lots of nice memories bout this trip.

Wanted to ramble about the latest stings (carried out by some TV guys), but won't. Everyone has a right to privacy & I don't want to give my views on a topic that concerns someone's personal space.

Hey Shantz & Vishal, the party remains due... big time.

And before I go... something I liked from a forward...

I.N.D.I.A. I Nearly Died In Adoration.


Tuesday, March 22, 2005

"Holi"day time

Lots of holidays coming up... tomorrow onwards....

Part of hem are my creation... takin 2 days leave from work & heading out home, thus getting the entire week off. A well deserved break from work after a long time (last one was in Nov)

Also I am really happy for Shantz & vishal, both are going onsite to Dallas in Apr... hope your visas get cleared up & u r headed for the "land of freedom" pretty soon. Though the party still remains due......

Looking forward to lot of rest at home, away from work & computers....though I gotta get myself a new cellfone... lets see which one I pick up.

And finally meeting up with family...poor guys rarely get to see me these days....though its been much the same matter for the last 4 yrs or so. Guess they must have gotten used to this "visitor".

And after a long time, me feeling great today. Was pretty low for some time, but now I guess I'm back in action. Just goin to get charged up & then 'll be all up & goin from monday.

Life ain't fair.... but then it won't be any fun.

Monday, March 07, 2005

Life Sucks!!

Nothing new, I know, still, life sucks.

Its really amazing to know how much is there in this world to do, & its even more amazing to know how little is really possible. I know that all of you "i m possible" types would be crying heck with ya'all....

These days its pretty boring. Life has become very monotonous, except for the daily evening badminton sessions.A movie every weekend (it was constantine this time) also does not help out much. There is rarely any time to relax.

When I was small, my parents & teachers used to say "work hard now & u'll enjoy in college" . In college the profs used to say, "work hard now & u'll enjoy when u get a good job". Damned liars, all of them.

Aaaargh!!!! It sucks!!!

It couldn't be better. It could be worse.
