Saturday, December 31, 2005

Goodbye 2005.....Welcome 2006

In 2005 we had...

terrorrists who had many a India, Iraq, UK...and many other places...

a defiant US, who reciprocated blast by blast...

Saddam captured as a rat in a hole...

And Osama still at large...

Big B ruling India's heart...

And metro winning Delhi's heart....

sensex crashing down...and then proving itself as a phoenix...

abu salem in the dock...and dawood still a free bird...

men acting more and more as scavengers of females...

and some men also acting as saviours...

women of tomorrow making their mark...and women of yesterday forcing theirs...

one katrina winning hearts in India...

while the other ravaging US...

Mumbai showing its infallible spirit....inspite of being soaked....

and politics being proved as the dirty mudhole everyone knew it was..

schumaker finally losing off to Alonso...

and Narain speeding away to glory...

as Sania served a delight...while Anand happliy moved a knight....

And as always, Calvin says:

a year that came with many promises...that it passes on to the next one....

wishes, aspirations, dreams, desires....

hopes, feelings & resolutions...

for a better life...for a better world...

tomorrow...and the day after.

May God bless all of you..and may all your wishes come true.


And 2006..

1. Plant a tree.
2. Walk if can...dont burn fuel.
3. Dont litter.
4. Spread love, peace n smiles, not war.
5. Fight injustice.
6. Keep reading coherent rambling :-)


P.S: On a sombre note...2005 began with a heartbreak...and ends with another one for me....Hope 2006 will be better :-)

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Deja Vu - 1

Date : 22-August
Year : Unknown
Time : Unknown

Soltitude, something that you always need, rarely have. But when you begin having it & enjoying it, it takes the party out of your life. If you prefer to be left alone for some time, everyone prefers to leave you alone for all the time. Something I really don't understand. After all, everyone must be left alone for some time. But then I mustn't generalize this, no. Not everyone will let you have peace un your soltitude. And not everyone will be disrespectful of the fact that you need some time alone. To talk to yourself, and by this I do not mean standing in front of the mirror & watching your reflection cut you down to suze. What I mean is introspection, something that more has to do with you giving a first person account of yourself. Introspection is tough, because most of the time we think about us in a very relative fashion, relative to what others think of us, how does the society behave when we enter it.

Knowing one self is difficult, but when you know yourself, you know all that you need to know. In other words, you get closer to perfection. But don;t aim to become perfect, neither can you.Because that defies the very basis of our existence on this planet, that is to do something even the almighty cannot do : Making mistakes!

P.S: Deja Vu is a collection of some of my ramblings from college days, word-to-word. Hope I sound sane :-)


Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Every war....

...has its own decorated heroes.

and every war...

...also has its own unsung heroes.....

Life ain't fair to everyone....

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Looks new, doesn' it?

Oh yes it does...thanks to the same wonderful friend who was responsible for the last template change( the dull white to the cool blue ). And this time its the black-grey template...

Well if only I were not so lazy...anyways...

Thank you my friend...for giving me such a great template...and keep doing this every few months !!!

About the absence, well there's a lot of hectic work goin on in the office, so hardly any time left for blogging :-( But this wont be forever and I'll be back soon.

Along with my regular Breview series (that needs to be restarted), I am also going to very soon begin another series, that will contain some of my college day ramblings. I used to ramble then also, but it was on a notebook, and I found it recently. So that's going to be coming up soon....

Though I still don't know what to call this series..suggestions, anyone?

The best suggestion gets, umm, selected!!!
(Ok Ok I m not a big B to go around giving this is all u get..)

On second thoughts, an ice-cream is up on offer for the winner...:-)...happy?

still not happy!!! people are never satisfied!!!

signing off with this dilemma...

P.S: And no, I m NOT dropping off asleep today, for a change *YAWN*

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Taggie Taggie again...

Well its Nupur who's tagged me again...

So, as Miss Norah Jones crooned.."here we go again...."

1. What time did you get up this morning? 0630
2. Diamonds or pearls? (If ur a guy - what can u afford for 'her'!) Diamonds
3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema? Hindi: Deewane hue paagal,
English: Harrry Potter and whatever
4. What is your favourite TV show? Friends, BBC auto show.
5. What did you have for breakfast? Gobhi-matar ki subzi and parathas
6. What is your middle name? none!
7. What is your favourite cuisine? all....
8. What foods do you dislike? Excessively spicy.
9. What is your favourite crisp? --?! Lays', tomato tango
10. What is your favourite CD at the moment? Pyasa, Mark Knopfler(Ragpicker's dream)
11. What kind of car do you drive? Maruti Suzuki WagonR
12. Favourite sandwich? Butter
13. What characteristic do you despise? Back-biting, hypocrisy, ego.
14. Favourite items of clothing? A formal suit(though i dont get to wear it often:( )
15. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would you? GOA
16. What colour is your bathroom? White
17. Favourite brand of clothing? None
18. Where would you retire to? A villa by the beach in Goa.
19. Favourite time of the day? late nights/early mornings
20.What was you most memorable Birthday you ever had? 21st...
21. Where were you born? (I cant remember the name!) indore, India
22. Favourite sport to watch? F1 racing
23. Who do you least expect to send this back to you? No one....
24. Person you expect to send it back first? Again, no one
25. What fabric detergent do you use? Tide
26. Coke or Pepsi? None...left them long ago.
27. Are you a morning person or a night owl? night owl :-)
28. What is your shoe size? 10
29. Do you have any pets? No!
30. Any new and exciting news you'd like to share with your family &
friends? I am still working late hours!!ok its not exciting but i m pissed enough with it
31. What did you want to be when you were little? never gave it so much of a thought then
32. What were you doing today? Designing software, coding, testing, User Experience..
33. Name a movie you've seen recently that you're sure many have not and its worth watching. Hotel Rwanda. who should i tag?lets se...with Nupur already tagging half the world in her post :-) , i guess i'll tag her back, so she can tag the remaining half...Nupur will u pls be a darling and do this one for me? I am too laazyy.....


P.S: The author has dozed off to sleep the readers are requested to do thy bidding!!!